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Title for my ebook

I’m having trouble with the title of my ebook. Which do you like best?

The Female Version of Game

I had to share this link with you. They’re pics of women transforming themselves with makeup. It’s further proof you don’t have to be intimidated by a woman’s beauty. Beneath it all, she’s just an average girl. Who wants to feel beautiful, important, loved.

Here’s an example:

makeup transformation 1

Here’s the link:

My eBook

Scan 2

I’m psyched! My ebook’s coming out in December. The whole book’s about the most important aha moment I had while learning this stuff.  I wanna share that moment with you right now:

“Don’t care what people think about you. Respect women. But more important than women, is serving a higher purpose than yourself.”

Those three sentences are what helped me become more successful with women. And it’s what my ebook’s all about.

In the ebook, I split each of those sentences into an ingredient:

  • Playful Challenge as “not caring what others think of you.”
  • Appreciation as “respect women.”
  • And masculinity as “serving a higher purpose than yourself.”

These three ingredients apply to every phase of pickup: attracting, building comfort and trust, seducing, fucking, and maintaining a strong relationship.

There’s one ingredient, though, that unifies the three into one. And it’s Masculinity.

Masculinity: relaxed body language, put-together fashion, kino leadership, giving value in conversation, having your life together. It’s at once the inner-game of things and the outer-game. Outer-game not just because of body language and fashion, but also in how you self-disclose (DHV) and convey high status.

Masculinity is like the opposite pole of a magnet to the feminine pole. By being the man, you make a woman feel like a woman. And create massive sexual attraction.

Playful Challenge and Appreciation are variations on the theme of Masculinity. The difference is, Playful Challenge is playful, and Appreciation is sincere.

Playful Challenge: banter and qualification. Creates want. You only give her a sample, not the whole store. We always want things we can’t have. Playful challenge has you retreat, and makes her chase.

Appreciation: qualification, statements of interest, compliments, emotional connections. You can’t always retreat and act like the “bad boy.” You must treat her with kindness, too. And make her feel beautiful from the inside out. Appreciation is also the foundation of an emotional connection.

Use all three ingredients in every phase of the courtship, and you’ll be a triple threat.

  • A man who’s going places.
  • A man who acts like the “bad boy.”
  • Yet a man who’s kind and a gentleman.


Anyway, my ebook breaks down each ingredient and shows you EXACTLY how to apply them in the field. I’m writing it all down as a reference for myself so I’ll never forget it. My hope’s it’ll also be a reference for you, too.

What makes this ebook different from others? It emphasizes practice.

Also, a lot of pickup stuff out there’s  so expensive and vague, you don’t get it handled and you keep coming back, spending more and more money. I want you to get this part of your life handled without breaking the bank so you can move on.

I am so psyched to share it with you. I know it’ll sky-rocket your game.

Definitely keep your eyes peeled.

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The 7 Rings of Desire

Here’s another great insight about relationship maintenance. Comes from Sherrie Rose.

Sherrie Rose, The Self-Proclaimed Love Linguist

Sherrie Rose, The Self-Proclaimed Love Linguist

She came up with the concept of a “Love Bucket.”

Sherrie Rose's "Love Bucket"

Sherrie Rose’s “Love Bucket”

Her idea: Every woman desires 7 things to feel happy in a relationship. You don’t need to meet all 7.  Just find the 3 – 5 most important to her and meet  those.

If you do this, you’ll raise her femininity, and she won’t want to leave you. You’ll get respect from her, intimacy, more freedom, admiration, she’ll support you on your terms, and love.

I came across Sherrie, again, through DeAngelo’s Interviews With Dating Gurus series. When I had first heard it, it had helped me understand what I did wrong and right in my relationships.

Let me just say here at the outset, these apply to when you’re in a monogamous relationship… and you want to keep it alive. Before you get into a relationship, though, it’s important to create attraction. That’s where game comes in. You know, being a challenge. I wrote a post about that called: “Game.” Check it out, if you’d like.

In the meantime, here are the 7 rings:

  1. Sex: Give her sex and orgasms.
  2. Contact:  a) Physical Contact, like: hugs, caresses, hold hands. b) Non-Physical Proximity Contact, like: phone, text, email.
  3. Recognition: Acknowledge her, appreciate her, compliment her, pay attention to her, see the good in her, find out what makes her tick, connect emotionally with her.
  4. Provisions: a) Provide for her financially. For example, paying for dinner. b) giving her gifts: flowers, jewelry, clothes. c) giving her exciting experiences: concerts, trip to the mountains, and so on
  5. Do For, like: a) doing a chore for her: taking out the trash, making a lunch for her, doing her laundry, making her dinner. b) using your talents to help her: fix things, fix software, read her manuscripts.
  6. Do With, like: a) doing day-today things together: shop together, wash dishes together. b) or doing core activities together: playing golf together, traveling together, going on dates together.
  7. Lifestyle: Having personal values in common and how you live together. For example, how you are in the home, with family. How you maintain your health, hygenie. What moral and spiritual values you have in common.

Of the 7, the two most crucial are probably sex and lifestyle. If the sex goes, the relationship goes.  And if you don’t have deepest values in common, it’s gonna be hard to see eye-to-eye and keep the relationship going.

Speaking of keeping the relationship going, Sherrie has another great concept called “Lovematism.”

Four Pistons of a Relationship: Connecting on the Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Levels

Four Pistons of a Relationship: Connecting on the Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Levels

She says it’s the basis for enduring love. Or, as she puts it, it’s “love on steroids.”

She said she came up with the concept when looking back on her best relationships. She realized she had felt connected with a man on four levels. Here they are:

  1. Sexual Magnetism of Body: attracted physically, sexual connection
  2. Mental Hypnotism of Mind: intellectual connection, attitude, confidence, how the person thinks
  3. Emotional Rhythm of Heart: Emotional connection, empathy, opening your heart to each other
  4. Spiritual Mysticism of Soul: spiritual beliefs in common, connecting on a spiritual level, do spiritual activities together.

They’re like four pistons of an engine. Never all up at the same time. But the more pistons you have working, the stronger the bond and love. Great concept to help understand the success of a relationship.

Finally, she argues there are 3 basic mind-states.

Three Mind-States: Base at the bottom, Conscious in the middle, Omni at the top.   Use the conscious level to lead your woman up to the omini level

Three Mind-Sets: Base Mindset (bottom), Conscious Mindset (middle), Omni Mindset (top).

Here they are:

  1. Base Mindset: Physical, survival drive. Drive for food, sex, safety. Where the emotions live. We spend most of our time here.
  2. Conscious Mindset: Where logic fits in. Stands outside of emotions to look at the bigger picture.
  3. Omni Mindset: Where logic and emotion integrate. Going beyond the “me” mode to serve a higher purpose. Where love and freedom live. What’s best for the greater good. The spiritual level.

She argues men tend to be more logical, women more emotional. Women can be logical too and men emotional. We all travel up and down the pyramid.

But she encourages men to be more logical, especially when a woman gets into the survival/emotional mode. We can direct them and help them back on track. You know, be that solid pillar for them. If we do this, she won’t derail us or work against us. Besides, taking the lead is attractive for her. Cause it’s masculine.

Speaking of taking the lead, she encourages us to take the lead in filling her love bucket, too. Fill hers first, and she’ll fill yours in return.

What happens when you make your woman happy

Filling her love bucket…

Self-Esteem: Six Pillars, By Nathaniel Branden

Attract this woman through high self-esteem

Attract this woman through high self-esteem

Outer-game is cool. In fact, I think one of the best ways to change your inner-game is to practice good outer-game. It’s like the whole “Fake it till you make it” thing.

But here’s the problem. Especially a problem you see with a lot of pickup artists.

They’re all outer-game, and no inner-game. They’ll spend lots of time learning routines and lines. And you know what? They’ll work. But all that focus on outer-game is like a woman putting on a lot of make-up. She might look good, but once the makeup’s off… not so much.

If you’ve got no inner-game, you’ll have a hard time keeping her around. She’ll like you for your lines, not for who you are behind the mask.

Besides, if you have a strong inner-game, the outer-game will flow out of you more naturally without having to memorize routines. Don’t get me wrong. You definitely need technique. I’m just saying if technique is all you’ve got, you’re gonna be an empty shell.

That’s why I wanted to share with you this idea about self-esteem. High self-esteem isn’t about “feeling good.” It’s about being able to cope with the challenges life throws at you.

And it’s about knowing you’re deserving of happiness. In other words, you don’t need the outside world to esteem you. You don’t need approval from women to feel esteem. You don’t need compliments to feel esteem. Esteem comes from within.

It’s like a strong immune system. People with high self-esteem get sick less often. And when they do get sick, they bounce back from it faster. It’s a strong inner-game.

That definition of “self-esteem”… and the term itself… was invented by a psychologist named Nathaniel Branden.

Nathaniel Branden, father of "self-esteem" and author of "Six Pillars of Self-Esteem"

Nathaniel Branden, psychologist and father of the term “self-esteem.” He wrote the book “Six Pillars of Self-Esteem”

His classic book about it is called “The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem.” I thought it might be useful to share what those six pillars are.

They’re actually six PRACTICES. They’re not meant to be done once. They’re meant to be done over and over again for the rest of your life. Like brushing your teeth or taking your vitamins. Practicing these strengthens inner-game. It’ll build your house of outer-game on rock, not on sand.

Here are the six practices:

1. Living Consciously.

A lot of us walk through the world as if we’re in a room with the lights shut off. We can’t see what’s in front of us, so we bump around. If someone asked you, “Do you want the light turned on?” Of course you’d say yes! Living consciously is like turning the light. With light, you’re more aware of the world and yourself.

2. Self-Acceptance.

This is accepting the warts, weaknesses, insecurities and dark shadows of your soul, as well as the good, strengths, confidences and virtues. Not trying to be “perfect.” Accepting yourself as you are. How can you leave a place if you don’t you know where you are?

3. Responsibility.

You don’t blame others. Instead you look at yourself to see how you may have been a cause. Relationships are a two-way street. If something goes wrong, it’s not that she’s a bitch. Or outside a relationship, he’s an asshole. It’s looking at yourself and seeing what I can do better next time.

4. Assertiveness.

This is about standing up for yourself and standing up for what’s right, even if you might get ostracized. Asserting what you want and like, even if you get condemned or made fun of. Having the ability to say no, even if a person doesn’t like it.

5. Living Purposefully.

Having goals in your daily actions. It’s not just having goals but creating an action plan. It’s not just having an action plan, but executing it. It’s not just executing it but looking at the outcome to see if you’re on the right track or not. Having goals gives direction.

6. Integrity.

Consistency between what you think, say, and do so they all match. If you say you’re going to do something, then do it. If you have a certain belief, don’t just preach it, do it. Integrity is honesty. Having what’s inside you be what’s on the outside.

I first learned about these practices when I listened to David DeAngelo interview Brandon on his “Interviews with Dating Gurus” series.

David DeAngelo's "Interviews with Dating Gurus." Highly recommended

David DeAngelo’s “Interviews with Dating Gurus.” Where I discovered Nathaniel Branden.

I thought it was fantastic. I asked myself which pillar was my strongest and weakest. I found assertiveness was my weakest and have been working on strengthening it ever since. And I’ve been getting better.

Here’s a question Branden offered to help us strengthen a practice. He suggests asking yourself: “If I could bring 5% more <pick a practice> into my life, then I would <an improved action>…”

For example, “If I could bring 5% more assertiveness into my life, next time I talk to friends about a movie I like, even if they don’t like the movie, I won’t deny I like it, but I’ll say I like it. Even if they make fun of me.”

The great thing about the question is it doesn’t say “Be more assertive!” That’s meaningless. It asks what small step can you do today to increase assertiveness.

The other great thing is the question helps us find the answer to what’s holding us back for ourselves. Instead of an outside force… like a psychologist or teacher… telling us what to do, we can discover it for ourselves. By thinking for ourselves.

So, what’s your weakest pillar? Your strongest? And how can you bring 5% more of these practices into your life?

If we strengthen what’s behind the mask while tweaking our outer “mask,” we’ll sub-communicate AND communicate an inner-strength and light. And the difference between the two of them might fade. Talk about attraction…


A man with strong self-esteem… attracts her more than a man with great lines

Increase Your Testosterone


I’ve found there’s two keys to attracting women.

First, making her feel wonderful. If she feels great around you, she’ll link those feelings to you, and will want to be around those good feelings… and you… more.

Second, being masculine. Make her feel wonderful, yes, but in a way where she feels like she’s the woman, and you’re the man.

A man who’s masculine puts a woman into her feminine. And it creates a sexual charge. Like how the north pole of a magnet’s attracted to the south pole. A man in his masculine pulls women toward him with a strong, delicious, irresistible charge. David Deida taught me that one.

The most important way to increase your masculinity is to discover your purpose in life and give your deepest gift to the world. Purpose, direction, and driving things to completion is the essence of masculinity.

But another great way to increase your masculinity is to increase the hormone that’s responsible for it. Namely, testosterone.

Well, HOW do you increase your testosterone?

As far as I can see, there are four basic ways: get enough rest, build muscle, get erections, and eat more protein.

Let’s check each one of those things out.

1. Rest and Sleep:


Get enough rest and sleep. You create testosterone while you sleep. And you decrease testosterone when you’re stressed.

7-8 hours a night. Your body makes testosterone while you’re sleeping. Ever wondered why you get morning wood? Hello. Without enough sleep, can’t produce testosterone. 4, 5, 6 hours of sleep? Won’t cut it.

Stress won’t cut it either. Stress raises cortisol levels. When cortisol levels are high, testosterone is low.

So, take 10-30 minutes breaks after focused 1-hour blocks of work. And get 7-8 hours of sleep a night.

2. Exercise:


More muscle and less fat boosts testosterone.

The more fat you have, the more your adipose tissue converts testosterone into estrogen. Obviously that lowers testosterone levels. Exercise blasts fat. Less fat, more muscle… you raise testosterone.

So, 50-100 push-ups in the morning. Lift weights. Jump rope. Bike. Play basketball. All you need is 30 minutes a day. Hell, p90x is a FANTASTIC way to get started. It was for me. (If you want more info, check out my article “Lost Fat, Gain Muscle.”)

3. Sex:


Getting erections increases testosterone.

Erections put “testosterone” fuel in your sex drive tank. Scientists found that men’s testosterone levels were higher after looking at porn than before looking at porn. Yeah.

So, get erections, look at sexy pictures, have sex. See? Increasing your testosterone can be fun.

4. Diet:


Protein helps you build muscle and increase testosterone.

Eating protein helps increase testosterone. Whey protein is the best because it has all the amino acids your body needs. Protein shakes are great. Steaks, eggs, bacon, burgers, fish, nuts are good too. In fact, believe it or not, cholesterol is a precursor of testosterone.

So, eating red meat and protein can actually help you increase testosterone.

When it comes down to it, increasing testosterone is just being a guy. For more great resources, check out this great article from “The Art of Manliness” and this video by John Romaniello: