Here’s a fascinating 1:12 video of a model before and after a photo shoot. You won’t see a woman who looks like a woman in a magazine because even the model doesn’t look like the woman in the magazine.
Here’s a fascinating 1:12 video of a model before and after a photo shoot. You won’t see a woman who looks like a woman in a magazine because even the model doesn’t look like the woman in the magazine.
Damn…do they do this to video footage too?
Hey what-up Jigsaw! Great to hear from you, man. That’s a good question. I don’t believe they do this for video footage. I they do this mainly for pics in magazines and the like.
Well at least I know the media has not COMPLETELY lied to me…just mostly. I read somewhere that they airbrush guys too!
I wouldn’t doubt it Haha
I saw this somewhere else. That’s amazing! (in a good and bad way)
Haha. I know, right? Also, eye-opening. Haven’t looked at a glamour pic in the same way since I watched this.