There’s a lot of stuff out there on how to be more successful with women. Where do you begin? I’ve gone through a lot of it, and not all of it is created equal. I made a my personal list of what I think is the best, what’s okay, and what I liked the least. You can find it here.
For now, here’s a quick overview of how to cut through all the crap.
First, start with an overview:
- Double Your Dating ebook, David DeAngelo – Great overview on attraction.
- The Game, Neil Strauss – Inspires you for what’s possible with women.
- Mystery Method, Mystery – The theory and big picture behind that possibility. Watch VH-1 Pickup Artist on Amazon if you want to see the theory in action.
Second, PRACTICE. These products will help you do just that.
- Rules of the Game, Neil Strauss – forces you to get out into the field… but only for 30 days
- Charismatic Conversations, Lance Mason – THE BEST to help you get success. This product emphasizes the attract stage. Later on, I’d recommend Zero Drama Dating & 60 Minute Seductions for seduction and dating multiple women.
- 30/30 Club, Brad P – picks up where Rules of The Game left off. It will take you to mastery level. Forces you to make 30 approaches per month for 1 year. Online coaches to help you along the way. You get every one of his products, including his fashion stuff.
Third, while you’re out practicing, especially with the help of the 30/30 Club, you’ll have time to work on your sexual skills and inner-game. In my opinion, these are some of the best products to help you do just that.
- Sex:
- Sexual Mastery, Alex Allan
- Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms, Hot Phone Sex, Advanced Sexual Hypnosis, David Shade – in that order.
- Secrets of Sensual Lovemaking, Tom Leonardi
- How to Satisfy a Woman Every Time, Nora Hayden
- Inner-Game/Masculinity:
- Inner Game
- Way of the Superior Man, David Deida
- How to Want What You Have, Timothy Miller
- Awareness, Anthony DeMello
- Masculinity
- No More Mr. Nice Guy, Robert Glover
- Iron John, Robert Bly
- Being the Strong Man A Woman Wants, Elliot Katz
- Skills
- When I Say No I Feel Guilty, Manuel J. Smith – great on assertiveness.
- How to Win Friends & Influence People, Dale Carnegie – great on general social skills.
- Inner Game
Finally, there are three big areas of life to get together: health, wealth, and relationships. As your success with women increases, here are some products to help you get the two other areas of life under control, too.
- Health: p90x, Tony Horton & Beachbody
- Wealth:
- Think & Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
- Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki
-, JR Ridinger
Ultimately, the change will happen not through products, but PRACTICE. Practice is the best “product” you can get. And it’s free.
I think the last point is a great one and one that needs to be emphasised. A lot a guys dive headfirst into the pick-up material that’s available, but oftentimes a better starting point for them is to focus on becoming a more well-rounded person first of all.
Well said. But pickup still has its virtues… as a means toward getting your life together. For me personally, I started off the journey just wanting to learn how to attract women, but found myself in the process. All that happened not through pickup products, but through practice. But AGREED that the priority must be on becoming a well-rounded person over “getting” women. Soooo important. Thanks much for the comment! Just checked out your site. It looks FANTASTIC.
The thing that I notice many men doing (even the ones who comment on my stuff,mainly AFC’s), they read stuff or purchase products, yet they don’t apply any of those things.
I always remind my readers to not just read my articles for the hell of it. Read it and apply the pickup concepts I lay out.
Couldn’t agree more. Although, I think part of the responsibility lies also with us who write about it. Take David DeAngelo, for example. Great stuff but it’s all theoretical. It’s no wonder students can get stuck in the head. Take “Rules of The Game” or some of Lance Mason’s stuff that gives students exercises and that emphasizes practice. I know for me personally when I went through those, it forced me to get out into the field to practice. But I agree, it’s one thing to read and dream, and it’s another to get out and actually do.
Good example you gave with the theorists opposed to the practical guys. Any guru who advocates that his readers should practice gets a plus from me. Although I love reading theories and good soundbites. But a writer should also incorporate practical applications in his stuff too
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why do you recommend the VH-1 Pickup Artist.
In my opinion it’s only entertainment (of course it’s fun)
one or two soundbites but the infield material is to short.
I agree it’s got the entertainment value. And I agree the in field footage is short.
Still, for me personally, I learned a lot from watching the in field stuff. I learned from watching Mystery approach. I learned what not to do. And towards the end of the season when the final guys got good, I learned what worked and why.
Especially since there’s not a lot of great infield footage out there, I found the in field footage that was on the show refreshing. I had helped me a lot.
What do you thing about the infield videos by Mehow?
think (oh dear I’m not drunk) lol
Haha! I’ve only seen a few of those videos. I believe he was one of the first to get out there, video his approaches and analyze them… so respect there. From what I’ve seen I like them a lot.