“I needed to let her know that unlike every other guy in the bar, I am not and will not be intimidated by her looks. Beauty to me was now a shit test: It weeded out the losers who got dumbstruck by it.”
(page 152, “The Game,” by Neil Strauss)
These three sentences are the key to success in the game.
The whole purpose of:
- The Neg… a flirting line. It says “I’m not interested in getting in your pants.” Breaks her “elitist” facade she might have because of her beauty. Makes you into a challenge. And makes her laugh.
- The DHV… a conversation piece. Self-discloses something cool about yourself, so she knows who she’s talking with. You’re not talking about her beauty or “getting in her pants.” You’re talking with her like a person. No Interview where you ask her a million questions. And no small talk like the weather, or “what do you do.” You have something fun to share, and it has emotional appeal.
- The Qualifier… a question. It says “I’m less interested in your looks than who you are as a person.” And it gets her talking and investing in the interaction.
…is to not get bamboozled by a beautiful woman’s beauty, but to talk with her as a human being. You’re stronger than the gravitational pull of her beauty. Because her outer beauty is just a facade.