1. Don’t pound away for 30 minutes: That just gets tiring for her.
2. Take a break from pounding: Stop in the middle of fucking, but stay inside her. Let the sensations rush over you. That little bit of variety is better than pounding away endlessly.
3. Rock you hips: Think the way a Latin Lover moves his hips. Here are some ideas of what you can do:
- Grind: push yourself to the root of your dick. Roll hips side-to-side.
- Figure-Eight: Twist hips in figure eight… can hit her clit.
- Scoop: Scoop with your hips, like lifting her up from inside her pussy… can hit her G-spot.
- Slow-Deep and Fast-Shallow: Alternate between the two. Too much fast thrusting can numb her pussy. Slow and deep is usually best. It allows the tension and orgasm to build.
4. Tantric Strokes: Thrust 9 shallow, 1 deep. 8 shallow, 2 deep. 7 shallow, 3 deep… until you get to 10 deep. Then start over again. Builds sexual tension. Good variety. Shallow strokes hit the G-spot.
5. Put a pillow under her butt: This lifts up her pelvis, so it’s easier to hit her G-spot. Usually, your penis just hits air. She won’t orgasm that way. When her pelvis is up, you can actually touch her pussy. That’s a good thing.

Here’s a drawing I drew showing a guy putting a pillow under his girl’s butt. The second drawing is meant to show how that allows him to hit her G-spot.
6. Pin her hands down and Pull her hair: Women actually LIKE to be dominated (not just the sweet stuff, although that has its time and place, too).
7. Bend her legs: You’ve probably done all these, but here are some cool options… her legs around your neck. Legs on your chest. Lift her legs and cross them. And so on. These positions get you deeper. And the domination feels great.
8. Cowgirl Ride: I got this from a book Kim Cattrall wrote with her husband called “Satisfaction.” She said it’s her favorite stroke and makes her come. Here it is…

From “Satisfaction,” by Kim Cattrall and Mark Levinson (Illustration by Fritz Drury). She can orgasm a lot in this position. It requires her to move her butt up and down. You get to lie there, hold her, stroke her hair, kiss her…
Have her on top. Slide your dick along her G-spot and out. Then slide your dick on her clit back inside her pussy along G-spot. Then slide it out along her clit and back inside her pussy along G-spot. Keep repeating. Double whammy. Lets the sexual tension build.
9. Doggy Style: Put a pillow under her stomach, so it’s easier to hit her G-spot.

Here’s another drawing I drew of a guy putting a pillow under his girl’s stomach doggy style. Again, the second drawing is meant to show how this helps him hit her G-spot.
10. Standing Position: Pick her up, and while you’re standing fuck her. One of my favs. Or, bend her over a bed or table and fuck her from behind (while you’re standing). Very nice.
11. Use sex toys: Incorporating a vibrator while fucking her can be fun. So, while you’re hitting her G-spot with your dick, you’re stimulating her clit. Nothing wrong with that.
12. Multi-task: Girls love it when you stimulate two or three body parts while inside her. For example, when you’re fucking her, kiss her tits. Or pull her hair. Or kiss her neck. Or rub her feet. Or kiss her deeply. Or put a finger in her ass. You get the idea. The more stimulation, the merrier.