Here’s a question for you. You treat others with kindness. But how do you handle people who don’t treat you the same way?
I want to be up front. If there’s an area I really want to improve on, and there are plenty, it’s definitely this. But after thinking about this question, reading what others do, trying out different things, I think I’ve gotten a little better understanding, even though I still have a ways to go. I wanna share what I’ve learned so far with you.
Here’s the basic idea: don’t buy into their erroneous “frame.”
Before I unpack that idea, let me backup and give you a quick background on Shit Tests, Bitch Shields, and AMOGs in general first.
“Shit Tests” and “Bitch Shields” are when women play the superiority role, put you down, give you shit, and disrespect you. They want to see if you can handle them. For if you can’t handle their shit, how are you going to protect them from the world of shit that exists?
AMOG stands for “Alpha Male Of the Group.” It’s a concept that was invented by a pickup artist who goes by the name “Tyler Durden,” a former student of Mystery’s. He named himself after the Brad Pitt character in “Fight Club.”
Anyway, he’s known as one of the legendary pickup artists, and he shows innovativeness in inventing this concept. The origin of how he came up with the concept was documented by Neil Strauss’s book “The Game,” on pages 235 – 237. The story is kinda interesting. In Tyler’s own words:
“I learned most of this from European naturals while trying to steals sets from them and prevent them from stealing sets from me. The guys here are not pushovers like most guys in North America. Many have game. So I’ve been figuring out how to out-game them.”
Apparently while he was in London doing bootcamps, Tyler would be talking to some girls, and guys would come up to him, totally blow him out, and guess who the girls went to? Exactly. The guys who destroyed him.
So, he started analyzing what exactly they were doing to him. He cracked the code, and used their tactics on them, field testing them hundreds of times, and they worked. AMOGs could no longer destroy him. He called these tactics “AMOG.”
Here’s some examples of the tactics from his own mouth:
# 1.
AMOG: Hey girls, what’s up. (trying to steal his set)
TYLER: Hey dude (puts his hands up like he gives up), I will pay you a hundred dollars right now if you take these girls away from me.
GIRLS: No, no. We love you! (giggle, crawl all over Tyler, deflate the AMOG)
AMOG: Hey man, keep talking. Let’s hear your pitch. Pick these girls up, man. You’re doing awesome.
TYLER: Hey, you know I’ve gotta try to impress you cool London guys (or “rugby-shirt wearing guys” or “shiny shoes guys” or whatever detail Tyler would gather from a quick look at them and then use that detail against the AMOG to make him feel self-conscious). You guys fucking rock.
AMOG: Is that design on your shirt a sphincter? Man, you’re going to need somebody to protect you, mate. You’re going to have all the guys into you.
TYLER: Dude, that’s why I rolled up on you. I need you, man. Help me, please, man. I look at you, and I just know that you were born to protect my sphincter.
AMOG: (startes touching him to show dominance)
TYLER: Haha dude. I’m not into guys, man. Dude, the gay club is over there. Hands off the merchandise, buddy.
GIRLS: laughing
AMOG: qualifying to you he’s not gay.
AMOG: (gets into your face)
TYLER: (silence. Doesn’t respond. Tyler just stands there quietly. As a general rule, Tyler discovered that if a guy keeps trying to out-alpha you and you don’t answer, eventually he looks beta because he is trying too hard to get your attention. Another trick is to make “let’s get out of here” motions with your eyes to your girls. Speaking “girl language” to girls… always a good thing.)
AMOG: (shows signs he wants to fight)
TYLER: Haha dude. Are you like trying to pick a fight with me? haha. Okay, okay. Hold up, hold up. Wait a sec. We’ll do even better. First, we’ll have an arm wrestling competition. Then we’ll do one-armed pushups. And last, pose-down! (Starts flexing) Ladies?
GIRLS: (laughing) Ooh you’re so strong.
AMOG: (tooled because he looks like he’s trying too hard to impress the girls with his physical superiority)
Neil later in the book accused Tyler of worshipping the AMOG concept a little bit too much.
Neil, along with Tyler, were both students of Mystery. Neil and Mystery became best friends. And Tyler went on to use everything Mystery taught him to profit from it. Most pickup artist businesses out there have done the same thing, the founders starting out as students of Mystery then creating their own business based on his ideas. Anyway, Tyler called his business “Real Social Dynamics,” based on a term Mystery invented “social dynamics.” It’s still one of the top pickup artist businesses to this day.
But that wasn’t even the worst of it. “The Game” talks about how Neil a.k.a Style, Mystery, Tyler, and other pickup artists had all lived under the same roof called “Project Hollywood.” Well, to eliminate his competitors, Tyler used some of these AMOG techniques as backhanded ways to “freeze out” both Neil and Mystery from the house to turn it into a place for his Real Social Dynamics business.
Obviously I’m just repeating what I read in the book. I wasn’t there.
Neil also said that he had said to Tyler once that Tyler was the type of person who liked to rise to the top of a situation by eliminating his competitors, and Tyler agreed (page 427).
So, even though there’s good to Tyler’s AMOG concept, there seems to be some shady male ego stuff attached to it, too. I’m not interested in that part of the concept. Rather than using the AMOG techniques to “destroy” other guys, I’m more interested in simply learning how to defend yourself from these kinds of people… in the most ethical way possible.
Here’s one of the most important things to take away from Tyler’s AMOG concept. It’s the observation there’s often a power struggle in human interactions. People have egos. And people will cut you down in order to satisfy those little monsters.
The question is: if you come across a guy who says to you in front of a bunch of girls: “Nice shirt. I had one like that in high school”… What do you do?
The basic solution is this. These people are creating an imaginary “frame” about you. But it’s a false frame. And unless you reveal it to be false, people might take it for reality, including yourself. Don’t accept this false “problem frame.” Create a better, truer frame of your own.
This post has gotten long. So, I’ll tell you exactly how in “Part II.”
Just pointing out a couple of things:
1. Cool blog, dude!
2. When a talking about people like Tyler or Neil Strauss, for example, who went out for 1000s of hours, it’s inappropriate to imply that these guys learned even a large portion of what they knew from Mystery. It’s those 1000s of experience that taught them.
3. Neil Strauss was also starting a pick up company. If you ask Papa and Tyler, Neil Strauss tried to make RSD look bad because he saw RSD as a competing pick up company. Just saying, although your article says, “Neil Strauss says…” everywhere, it does seem a bit biased toward his point of view, which is reasonable because Tyler never put out a book with his take on the matter, unlike Strauss.
Point VERY well taken.
You’re right, the field is the best teacher there is. One man can’t teach you everything. A lot of “in the bones” learning comes from practice and experience. Great point.
And you’re also right when it comes to the Tyler vs. Neil saga. I don’t have both sides of the story, only Neil’s. My article was probably biased towards Neil’s point of view… because I didn’t have all the facts, only Neil’s side of the story. In fact, I watched some of Tyler’s stuff yesterday, and it’s A level stuff. I may have been a little unfair. I appreciate you pointing this out.
Thanks for your visiting, reading, and commenting! It’s much appreciated.