Russell Brand on MSNBC 3 Replies Found this video through Neil Strauss. Great example of frame control. Share this:ShareEmailPrintTumblrLinkedInRedditFacebookTwitterPinterestLike this:Like Loading...
bossymoksie February 21, 2014 at 3:54 pm I saw this before. It was under the heading of how unprofessional these anchors are or something like that. Very funny. And sad; they really didn’t know what hit them! But yeah great example of frame control! Loading... Reply ↓
renaissan February 22, 2014 at 2:04 pm I know, right? By the way, thanks for the reblog! Loading... Reply ↓
I saw this before. It was under the heading of how unprofessional these anchors are or something like that. Very funny. And sad; they really didn’t know what hit them!
But yeah great example of frame control!
I know, right? By the way, thanks for the reblog!
You’re welcome!